
photos by Mikayla Breauna photography

I had the pleasure of working with an amazing photographer recently. she was fun, kind, and we had a blast taking these photos. I am definitely going to be seeing her again.

Most Recent Headshots And Creative Shoot


These were taken after an emotional interview, the shear pain and years are only apparent at a closer glance.  After pouring my soul out through a 4 hour long interview about my life, i did not realize just how much of my past trauma i still held onto. Or how much i try to hide behing my humour.

I would like to thank Clayton for his amazing work at capturing what words could never express, in this I am sure anyone else present that day would agree he managed to say more with these photos than i could say myself in the four hour interview prior.

please go check out more of his work, i've embedded a direct page from his site below.